Established 2007 & Still Going
We are your Vintage Pickup specialists. We have created a niche of manufacturing the most accurate vintage pickup reproductions to which can not be equaled. Our process is to chemically analyze an original pickup magnets and wire, then we reproduce them with the exact same magnets and wire. We don't use stock magnets or wire. We don't degauss magnets and say they are vintage. Our magnets are only as strong as the elemental composition will hold. Our wire is specially manufactured for us, we have many batches of wire with all different types of resistances and O.D.'s. Our wire also is processed differently than modern conventional wire, these little details are what makes the Klein Pickups Reproductions the most accurate in the world. We have a full array of models that we reproduce. Check out our site for the full list of all of our offerings. As a small business we always appreciate your support and business. Your support of small businesses are what drive the the economy forward. - Thank you